Be your own friend!
It’s okay to say no
You are going to fail a lot before you succeed
Don’t be afraid that people wouldn’t be proud of you if you aren’t the best, because the people who only love you for your accomplishments and the titles don’t deserve you at your best
Love who you are (your background, your skin, culture)
Take a risk
The experience is worth more than the fear
Don’t wait until ‘it’s perfect’ there is no other time!! do it now!
You don’t have to be productive 24/7
Focus on the positives
Hug the people you love
There’s strength in being vulnerable
If someone is tearing you down, it’s because you’re already higher than they ever will be.
It’s hard to get out tainted memories if you don’t make new ones
When things go wrong, don’t go with them
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going!
You can change your beliefs as you grow
You receive what you send out
"Why must it be so hard
For us to come to understand,
That there are things we cannot change
Hidden amongst the things we can?
For we can rearrange our hearts,
Dust out the corners of our minds,
We can teach our eyes to see
Only the things we wish to find.
Yet once we decorate our walls
And sweep our sorrows off the floor,
Why do we look to someone else,
To show us how we can be more?
For here is where the line
Between our can and can't gets tough,
Just the point at which we all must learn
That we are already enough,
That since we cannot choose the home,
Our only soul was born into,
We should rearrange its rooms
But learn to love its window's view.”
― Erin Hanson