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Gabriella Anderson


Updated: Jun 14, 2019

The best cabin in all the land

Media Committee

I went to this amazing camp, called Camp RYLA, for the past five days and made some incredible memories! It's only a one-time camp for incoming high school seniors, but everyone I met will continue to stay in my heart forever. Above are pictures of my cabin (YEAH CABIN FIVE!) and the media committee I was on. The media committee was in charge of the RYLA blog, so you can see my posts here.

When I first applied to the interview, I thought it was like every typical camp. In my reflections blog post I made with my friends, you can see that, "truthfully, I didn't think much about camp RYLA. But, now I'll never forget; the bonds I've made with my friends are memories I'll cherish forever. Don't ever hold yourself back from trying something new, because the experience is worth more than the fear."

I'm not going to fully go into it, since I want others to experience what I had without being spoiled of it! But I've learned that fear means go. Go and do it anyway. Because you may fail, or you may do something wrong...but hey, at least you're doing it!

Finally, this camp made me grow in a lot of ways that I didn't think I could--in leadership, in how I saw myself, and in my relationships. I would like to give a big thank you to the staff and especially to the girls and guys of Cabin five for allowing me to grow with them. I love you all!

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

- Mahatma Gandhi

(P.S Not that it needs to be stated...but the pictures above weren't taken by me haha!)

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